Saturday, March 21, 2009

FIrst Defeat: 1,500 Points Dawn of War

Loss vs. Marines. Must re-examine army list to see flaws (may be my somewhat poor grasp of tactics), correct as necessary.

However, I think the loss was due to four major factors:
1: We were playing Dawn of War. Since I was unable to deploy most of my heavy weapons during setup (DoW deployment rules require all non-Troops/HQ choices that can't Scout to begin the game in reserve), I was unable to rain missile death on his infantry until when they came in on the fifth turn, and I couldn't fire until the sixth. Must remember to assign more heavy weapons squads to Command Platoon.
2: My Demolisher was completely ineffectual (it kept on either scattering away from his troops and/or failing to do any damage).
3: I failed to apply my entire Infantry Platoon against the entrenched Scouts (seemed to think it was a good idea to have them support the Fists and firebase instead). Platoons MUST STAY TOGETHER.
4: I am not used to fighting Marines. Must remember to bring more firepower and apply it correctly.

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