Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Break Battle Reports Installment 1:

In order:

1,500 points vs. Space Marines: It was a cityfight map, but I got my ass handed to me that game. I basically lost my only tank (a Chimera) in the Marines' first turn, I wasted my only Infantry Platoon to enemy shooting, and my Hardened Veteran squad was completely ineffectual. Also, I must learn to beware of Scout Bikers' cluster mines. Actually, just bikes in general (too damn hard to kill...)

1,500 points vs. Tau: I worked up a new build with some modified Doctrines and more tanks this time, and if it wasn't for all of those Devilfishes loaded with Fire Warriors descending on my objective in the last turn, I would have been able to force a draw that game. Must kill every enemy vehicle when I have the chance. Especially transports.

1,500 points vs. Space Marines (Vassal): Finally, a resounding victory. Despite a Demolisher round scattering wide and only killing one tactical marine, the subsequent battle cannon shot managed to reduce a 10-man tactical squad to the special weapon, the heavy and the sergeant, and also inflicted a couple wounds on the Devastators behind them. The kill points total was 9-5, Guard to Ultramarines, despite losing both of my Russ turrets and a chimera with most of its grenadier cargo. In other words, the SMurfs were slaughtered to a man. Pie plates are good. Assaulting a terminator squad with a command squad because the officer has a power weapon is bad.

So the lesson learned is this: More MBTs like Russes or Demolishers, not more stealthers. Keep the Infantry Platoon and the heavy weapons on the objective, use grenadiers and tanks to contest/take and hold objectives. Outflanking Sentinels works just about every time (and you can generally get your points back if you do it right).

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