Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Break Battle Reports Installment 3:

1,500 vs. Space Marines: This was my first real game against Marines with this build, and it hurt. I still managed to pull a draw (my JO, Lt. Sharps, managed to bring down the enemy company master in close combat. \m/:D\m/ Unfortunately, because I was unable to have my russes on the table until turn 3, I was unable to rain pie plates of death on them from the beginning of the game. After looking at the Dawn of War rules, we both learned that only three units are allowed to be deployed on the table at the start (2 Troops and an HQ), which really shafts Guard (because our infantry platoons are a minimum of three squads, and most of my heavy weapons are in my command platoon).

Apocalypse Game: Blood Angels, Space Marines and Guard vs. Tyranids and Orks (approximately 7,500 points per side): This was an absolute bloodbath. The Orks brought two stompas and a Skullhamma to the table, in addition to numerous looted vehicles. I brought an Infantry company formation and two Russ squadrons (with the intent of blitzkrieging them with the combined fire of three Demolishers and three Russes). Didn't quite work out how I envisioned it would in my head (stupid antitank 'Fexes). One of the stompas managed to drop a 13" blast radius Belly Kannon shot (which also hit a genestealer and half of his flank-marching 'Ard Boyz). My two squadrons of rough riders failed to do much (only inflicted two wounds on the Fex, and 3 on the Mega Nobz) but the scout bike squadrons not only managed to earn back the points the cluster mines cost, but also inflicted major damage on several Gaunt broods. After the 'Ard Boyz assaulted through my line, they were left open to 12 heavy bolter attacks, 8 autocannon shells, 6 grenade launchers and more las than you could shake a grot at. I managed to wipe them out to an Ork, and with some timely maneuvering from Lex's marines, we managed to secure an objective while denying the enemy the other two.

A very productive Spring Break, if I do say so myself. This build remains undefeated.

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